Engineered to a Fault


...But the site of the luxurious, modern, three-story house was also located in the Bay Area just a stone’s throw from the San Andreas Fault. The owners not only wanted the structure to keep their family safe in the event of a severe earthquake, but also for it to survive the seismic shocks.

Inside the Walls


If you have ever taken a hammer to a wall, you've no doubt answered that question for yourself. Removing the skin of a building from the inside always reveals a narrative about the making of a building, a connection to the history of a place. That connection is certainly one of the most powerful and compelling aspects year's Dickens House.

Architectural Record: “The Big Apple”


"Before switching to the Mac, I used to struggle with AutoCAD and the blue screen of death," he says. "Now I use ArchiCAD, and I sometimes find myself sitting there working and laughing out loud at how easy it is. I don't regret switching at aIl.” He particularly likes ArchiCAD's 2D/3D integration, which gives him the seamless kind of experience in production that he was seeking.

A Bungalow Refined


"It's not uncommon for a second floor addition to look like it's been dropped from a helicopter onto the existing house," says Marc Lindsell, the architect for the project. "We went into detail to make sure it looked like an original Craftsman-style home, instead of a Craftsman home with an early 2000 addition sitting on top of it."